Monday, July 27, 2015

Rock and a Hard Place

These little rings were inspired by difficulty, by the frustrating push and pull of life.
We call it stuck between a rock and a hard place. It's a place we don't want to be and that often times feels impossible to get out of.
This was the heart behind this design.
The rock, a tiny bit of turquoise and the hard place a ball of silver.
Taking something ugly and making it precious.

My current batch has sold out, but I'm offering a whole new batch Made to Order in your size and choice of stone. They range from $35 - $45 depending on the stone you choose. I'm offering these on Instagram as well (follow me @labellajoya), but if you don't have IG, please visit my website and contact me through the contact page to reserve (scroll to the bottom of the website). I'll create the listings as the reserves come in.

Have a wonderful week, bellas, and remember, "...deep roots are not reached by the frost."

Sunday, July 12, 2015

We are Star Stuff

We are star stuff.
Somewhere along the way, we've forgotten that. We traded star dust for chalk dust and sought to capture the eyes of man with a well-filtered selfie while forgetting the majesty we were born with.
We stare, night after night, in awe of the Moon, her ability to push and pull the oceans, to reflect and shed light where there is none, and even her ability to wax and wane, changing her shape to reflect the seasons and mark the passing of time.
She is unique. Callisto, Enceladus, Phobos...Saturn alone has 62 satellites but there is only one we call the Moon. She is a macrocosm of the microcosm we live everyday. We feel lost in a sea of seven billion moons, all circling different planets, but to someone or maybe a few someones, we are as majestic as that Moon and all her star stuff.
For someone, we move the tides of their life, pushing the waters down when they threaten to drown, giving light where there is none and if you look closely you'll see eyes gazing upward with the same sense of awe demanded of the Moon.
It doesn't have to be a child. I catch a glimpse of that gaze every now and then in my husband, my niece, even my mom when I've lifted a burden off her shoulders.
Remember who you were created to be and for whom your light was made to shine.  
Bring down the Moon.
She's got nothing on you.

Bring down the Moon Rings in Turquoise, available in my shop:
Along with two new stacking ring designs.
Bring Down the Moon stackers.

Star Stuff Stackers.
Three granules of sterling silver, a cluster of stars.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

La Paz

I'm calling this series of pieces based on heraldry, the La Paz collection.
In Spanish, the word means Peace.
While that may seem like a juxtaposition when you see the medieval shape and armored form, each shape and cut out has its own meaning, which I've put together for my own Coat of Arms.
These were my original thoughts when I began assembling this collection:
I have, for the past two years allowed my occasionally overwhelming feelings of anxiety far too much power, occasionally warranted, but most often not at all.
The stag in this form traditionally represented peaceful strength, the strength of a warrior, capable of fight but unwilling to waste strength or energy until provoked.
The crescent moon, two of them above the stag and two on the sides, which represent serenity and power to conquer the everyday.

Along the side, a sword. Often seemed as a symbol of war, it actually stood for justice, which is one of the pillars of peace.

The entire cuff, cut from copper, each piece hand cut as well and carefully assembled with sterling silver rivets, the final piece has been given an earthy patina.

The making of this piece, meant as much as the wearing. The heart that went into it, and the slow work of my hands...those are the things I've tried to capture in every detail.