Saturday, March 12, 2011

Embracing challenge...

When we left for Madrid I was ready.
Ready for ancient castles that were there when Columbus begged Ferdinand and Isabel to fund a hunch.

And even more ancient walls and aqueducts that had survived the growth and the death of an entire empire.

Things a little more modern, but no less impressive and with still as much history behind their walls.

And new friends, who had only ever been words on a screen for me.

But what I was not ready for was the challenge...
the challenge of speaking a second language in a second place that is so different from the first place where I learned it.
I wasn't ready to pronounce my "c" as a "th" and I certaintly wasn't prepared for "vale" and I've never heard "hasta luego" so many times in one day.
But, in order to learn something new, sometimes you have to jump past what was old and embrace the challenge of moving forward and pushing yourself in a new direction.

Spain was beautiful and it was great to meet a new friend and I'm definitely going to enjoy the inspiration I found while I was there, but it's back to life and I haven't forgotten about Margie and Me.

Color inspiration in all forms.
Treasuries. Photos. Finds.
Leave a link in the comments so we can all be equally inspired.
The color palettes are posted here in case you forgot.
Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Beautiful photos! Glad you had a great time!

  2. Que maaravilla de fotos y que envidia!!!! tu y Ana estais guapisimas!!!!disfruta mucho de nuestro pais!!!

  3. So glad you had a great time and came back inspired.

  4. Me había perdido el post, ¡qué despiste! Me alegro de que te lo pasases bien, yo también me lo pasé muy bien haciendo un poco de cicerone. Es normal que te pierdas con el lenguaje, ya te comenté que hasta nosotros nos perdemos de vez en cuando. ;)

