Saturday, October 30, 2010

Margie and Me - Rococo Christmas

This Margie and Me challenge was particulary challenging for me. These are some colors that I don't normally wear, so...when I started to think about what to create, I settled on making a little ornament for my sister's Christmas tree. She usually does the blue/gold thing, so these colors looked perfect!

The ornament was created by making a beaded bead and then using netting to create these little star bezels coming off of the corners where the beads meet. I also added a little fringe, because it's Christmas!
Here's the rest of my week and if it's got a link, it's in my shop and you can see some more pics:

A gray pendant, that I'm loving calling My Gray Sweater, because well....guess what it matches?

Some Fiery Red Bobby Pins in the teardrop shape. I think I like the teardrop shape the most.

I also put my Autumn Colors Medallion in the shop. I wish I could explain to you how great these feel when you wear them, the weight is just perfect!
I also went a little ring crazy!
The first I call Gray and Orange in Concentric Circles... (yes, orange!)

The second is Sophia's Ring...(she's a Spanish Flamenco Dancer)

The third is Picasso's Ring...(I mean, come I have to explain it?)

These last two? Well, these last two are for you. Yes, here's the deal, I wanna trade, some beads for some rings. So...if you're willing to send me a bundle of beads for one of these rings, it's yours! Just leave me a note in the comments with the ring that you want and your e-mail so I can get back to you.
The first one up for grabs is the Ocean Well's blue and creamy and reminds me of the ocean.

The second one is a Green Ring...Rhyolite surrounded by tiny seed beads.
These rings are first come first serve, so get 'em while they're hot!
The only stipulation to my trade is that I don't want seed beads!

I was in such a hurry this morning that I forgot to post Judy's Margie and Me! She sent me the photo of this  gorgeous necklace last week and the colors were just perfect for the Rococo challenge. Thanks Judy!

Thanks for stopping by! Don't forget to leave your link if you made a Margie and Me this time! Enjoy your weekend! 


  1. OOH!!! I love the idea of a trade, and my bead collection is HUGE.

    I love the second green one. Here's my email:

  2. Also - I love your interpretation of the challenge!

  3. I got my post done - almost as challenging as getting the piece done. Maybe it is "halfway through the semester slow done," but everything is taking forever. Great ornament - those are the perfect blue beads for the gold.

  4. Oh! I would trade for the Ocean Well ring - especially since I just bought two other rings from you just now :-) We'll see if they actually become Christmas presents for others or take up residence in my jewelry box! Sorry, no Margie and Me today - I'll come back and post a link if I get a chance to put something together this afternoon.

  5. Oh my goodness you've been busy! That's an impressive round up : ) Happy Saturday!

  6. I'd trade for the ocean ring too... it's gorgeous!

    I love your Margie & Me piece too. What a great idea to create an ornament... I am always thinking something wearable so that was a great idea.


  7. Did I miss the big reveal of last challenge? I made two pieces and have been chomping at the bit to reveal them--not to mention eager to hear the theme of the next (current) colour challenge.

  8. ....Never mind. Upon further reading, I have all the answers I need. Commencing entering!

  9. Love your interpretation of the challenge!
