Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Molten Lava and I won!!

Here's a snapshot of my newest creation. This is definitely the most labor-intensive one I've done, and it was definitely a practice in circular peyote. I call it Molten Lava. If you want to know why, click here. There are more pictures in my Flickr account, by the way.

Also, in other news....I won something!! Yep, here's a picture of the beautiful bead embroidery pendant that I won from Jodi Horgan! Here's a link to the contest, which is actually a bead embroidery tutorial if you're interested in learning, and here's a link to her shop. She does wonderful work and her pieces are beautiful! If you're interested in buying something bead embroidered, I would highly recommend her things.


  1. OMG esto es realmente hermoso, me encanta. Fenomenal. Lo hiciste en una sola pieza o lo fuiste uniendo. Yo recientemente trabaje una pieza en circular peyote y la practique bastante.
    Saludos Mari from Puerto Rico

  2. That is a stunning piece! I love the closure as well. It works so nicely together. What patience you must have.
